CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

The Mayor’s Commission for Persons with Disabilities strives to facilitate full and equal participation in all aspects of life for persons with disabilities in the City of Boston. This includes promoting equity by reducing architectural barriers that impact accessibility in Boston’s built environment.

The Article 80 Checklist is intended to be used as a tool to ensure that accessibility is planned at the beginning of projects and continues throughout development rather than after design and construction are completed. It aims to ensure that projects not only meet minimum MAAB/ADA requirements but that they create a built environment that provides equitable experiences for all people, regardless of age or ability.

All Small or Large Project Review, including Institutional Master Plan modifications, must complete this Checklist to provide specific details and data on accessibility. An updated Checklist is required if any project plans change significantly, including but not limited to the following points:

  • improvements for pedestrian and vehicular circulation and access;
  • encourage new buildings and public spaces to be designed to enhance and preserve Boston's system of parks, squares, walkways, and active shopping streets; 
  • ensure that persons with disabilities have full access to buildings open to the public; 
  • afford such persons the educational, employment, and recreational opportunities available to all citizens; and
  • preserve and increase the supply of living space accessible to persons with disabilities.

For more information on compliance requirements, best practices, and creating ideal designs for accessibility throughout Boston's built environment, proponents are strongly encouraged to meet with the City's Disability Commission staff prior to filing.

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